
Affichage des articles du 2018

Works 2018 . And Merry Christmas to all .

David Bowie - Completed .

Supergirl - Completed .

Kurt Russell - Special for Christmas commission - Completed . PRISMACOLOR and pastels 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅🎅

Freddie Mercury - Complète .

Amy Winehouse - Complète .

Doc and Marty - Completed

Mac Fly & Doc - On progress .

Lord of the ring - on progress .

Johnny Deep - Edward Scissorhands - Completed

Johnny Deep - Edward Scissorhands on progress .

Jack Sparrow 4

Marion Cotillard .

The tourist movie .

Gal Gadot .

Beauty of fields .

Girls !

Scarlett Johanson - Complète.

Scarlett Johanson - firts touch of color pencils


Evangeline Lilly - On progression .

Jennifer Laurence - Finished .

Jennifer Laurence - On progress .

Rihanna - Finished . Prismacolor pencils , on bristol A4 .

Jack Sparrow 3 - Completed .

Les Miserables - Completed .

Les Miserables

Star Lord - On progress .